Hi, I’m Madison.

For years, I struggled with feeling disconnected from my body. Overwhelmed with self-loathing, I sought ways to heal from past trauma that ultimately had negative consequences on my health. I followed strict diets and exercise regimens that became all-consuming and lost my identity in the process. Through recovery, I found yoga and for the first time ever I felt good in my body. Instead of being preoccupied with my appearance, I felt strong, grounded, and at peace.

After years of my own personal practice, I decided to pursue my teaching certification with hopes that my own journey might inspire others to reconnect with themselves. If you struggle with negative self-esteem, body image, anxiety, or depression, yoga might be the solution you’ve been searching for.

My Approach

I work to create a safe, inclusive space for your practice while growing your understanding and appreciation for what your own body can do both on and off the mat. We’ll work together on asanas (the physical part of yoga), mindfulness, and pranayama (breathing techniques) that will help you reconnect, reset, and renew.


Yoga Asana

It begins on the mat. Intentially taking time for yourself is a huge first step. We will work on strengthening your muscles, increasing flexibility, and improving balance to help you feel strong, stable, and aligned.



It begins with the will to change. Or maybe even the openness to try something different. We will work on positive affirmations, breathing techniques for stress reduction, and looking inward to find peace and contentment.
